Application form Which location would you like to apply for? USA Germany Spain France Italy Portugal Russia China What are you interested in applying for? please choose Job offer Apprenticeship Study [...]
Environment Environmentally friendly refrigeration We have been an ecological pioneer in environmental protection with our products for many years. Almost all models already work with natural refriger [...]
Heat transfer fluids Thermofluids for optimal heat transfer Huber heat transfer fluids have the best thermodynamic and environmentally friendly characteristics. The choice of the correct fluid is deci [...]
Locations Our locations worldwide We are wherever you need us with a global network of subsidiaries and distributors. As an international company, we provide advice, sales and service to our customers [...]
Our board Our company was founded in 1968 by Peter Huber. Peter was one of the first Master craftsmen in Refrigeration engineering. This new company “Peter Huber Kältemaschinenbau” was one of the firs [...]
Product groups Dynamic temperature control systems Cooling capacities from 0.48 to 130 kW Chillers Cooling capacities from 0.3 to 80 kW Baths and Circulators The classics with open bath Shaping the fu [...]
The founder Peter Huber Pioneer in modern refrigeration technology How can you become a master in a craft when you haven’t even been a journeyman yet? Nowadays, in times of documentation and certifica [...]
Clearance sale Huber quality at special prices We have prepared for you an attractive selection with sale models at special prices. All the devices in the list are available at a greatly reduced purch [...]
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