
Environmentally friendly refrigeration

We have been an ecological pioneer in environmental protection with our products for many years. Almost all models already work with natural refrigerants as standard or are optionally available with hydrocarbons or CO2. In addition, our products are made of high-quality materials with high recyclability. Other plus points are the low cooling water consumption of water-cooled Unistats and Unichillers. These units require only about one-third of the cooling water of conventional chillers.



"Environment plus" action program

We have been an ecological pioneer in environmental protection with our products for many years. Almost all models already work with natural refrigerants as standard or are optionally available with hydrocarbons or CO2.

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The Tango factory

The Tango factory in Offenburg's Elgersweier industrial area is often referred to as the coldest place in the Ortenau region. Read here what it's all about.

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Sustainable and future-proof temperature control

Hydrocarbon gases are widely used in everyday life. Natural hydrocarbons are also making a comeback as climate-friendly refrigerants in temperature control technology.

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Conserving resources from purchasing to production

The environment has been a focus since the company was founded. One of the first company goals was to develop alternatives to the then widespread use of fresh water for cooling. Another measure was the voluntary phase-out of CFC/HCFC refrigerants long before any legal regulation.

We are pioneers in the temperature control industry in the use of environmentally friendly hydrocarbons as refrigerants. Today, almost all refrigeration models in our current product range are available with natural refrigerants - often as standard at no extra charge. The fact that we take environmental protection seriously is also demonstrated by our company building. The Tango factory is an energy-saving miracle. consisting of solid concrete, triple-glazed windows, a thick layer of insulation and around 40 km of plastic pipes in the floor, ceilings and walls - this results in a gigantic heat exchanger with minimal energy requirements. With special thermal insulation measures and a concrete core activation system, we were able to significantly reduce CO2 emissions. In production, heat recovery takes place during the test run of our equipment, a photovoltaic system generates electricity ecologically, a groundwater cooling system saves water and the entire company building is illuminated with energy-saving LED technology.

In 2013, we successfully participated in the ECOfit program of the state of Baden-Württemberg and implemented or initiated various environmentally relevant measures. In 2016, we introduced an energy management system based on EN16247, which enables us to identify energy-saving potential even better and derive appropriate measures. In 2016, we were awarded the Environmental Prize for Companies by the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Sustainability Report

Find out more about our environmental projects and initiatives for a sustainable future. Our voluntary sustainability report illustrates how we harmonise our corporate goals with sustainable business practices and continue to expand our role in environmentally friendly temperature control technology.

"Environment plus" action program


First refrigeration circulators with hydrocarbons as "natural" refrigerant.


First intelligent refrigeration thermostats with cooling capacity adjustment and water-cooled chillers with water-saving energy management.


Introduction of Unistat technology set standards in ecological and economical temperature control. Unistats bring more efficiency and reduce energy requirements.


Conversion to new, CFC-free chillers. 7 years ahead of the phase-out date under the Halogen Ban Regulation.


Conversion to new HCFC-free chillers. 6 years ahead of the phase-out date under the Halogen Ban Regulation.


chillers with the option "natural refrigerants" in accordance with the specifications regarding the global Greenhouse Policy of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.


Environmentally compatible refrigeration with CO2 chillers in accordance with the specifications regarding the global Greenhouse Policy of F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG.


Process heat coupling: Unistats are combined with existing primary energy such as steam, cooling water or liquid nitrogen.


Energy savings through voluntary conversion to energy-saving IE3 motors for the circulation pumps.


ECOfit certification by the state of Baden-Württemberg for corporate environmental protection with measures to reduce water consumption, waste volume, energy requirements and CO2 emissions.


Awarded the Environmental Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg and introduced a system for energy management based on EN 16247.


Introduction of climate-friendly recirculating chillers using CO2 as a natural refrigerant.


Development of a thermoelectric laboratory cooler with state-of-the-art Peltier technology as a refrigerant-free cooling solution.


Market launch of high-performance temperature control systems with CO2 for the automotive industry under the “Unimotive – Green Line“ brand.